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This Simple Blood Test Gives Incredible Insights Into Building Muscle Mass

The Private MD Labs Bodybuilder Blood Test measures hormones and other factors involved in muscle synthesis.

Are you looking to get ripped? It’s not going to happen without hard work. But you already know that. What you might not know is that, sometimes, working hard is not enough. Sometimes you have to work smarter. 

You’re probably already working your butt off at the gym and using a macronutrient calculator to create a precise caloric regimen. But if you’re still not bulking up the way you want, you might wonder whether it’s time to try something new, like supplements or hormone replacement therapy. However, before you do anything, you need to figure out exactly what is going on in your body. And the fastest, easiest, and most affordable way to do that is with the Private MD Labs Bodybuilder Blood Test

Bulking up requires a whole lot more than protein and testosterone. The biological process of muscle synthesis is affected by all sorts of factors, including hemoglobin and platelet counts, insulin-like growth factors, albumin, creatinine, numerous thyroid hormones, and even cholesterol. So how do you get tested for all those things? 

As you probably know, insurance companies don’t like paying for tests that aren’t medically necessary. So there’s no way they will pay for a comprehensive metabolic profile because you’re trying to add 25 pounds of muscle. But that’s where the Private MD Labs Bodybuilder Blood Test comes in. 

Private MD Labs is a company that provides direct access to medical testing, which is when you initiate research into specific areas of your health and wellness. With Private MD Labs, you request specific tests and pay for them online. Then you visit one of their 4,000 affiliate clinics for sample collection. When the tests are complete, you get secure, encrypted results online.

By skipping straight to the test, you don’t waste time waiting at a doctor’s office. And you don’t have to involve your employer or health insurance company, although Private MD Labs testing is often reimbursable with HSA and FSA accounts. You alone call the shots about how to monitor your health and obtain valuable medical information. 

The Private MD Labs Bodybuilder Blood Test measures hormone levels and other key biological factors involved in building muscle. With tests designed for both men and women, this is an essential tool for anyone looking to take their bodybuilding to the next level. 

At less than $200, this test is incredibly affordable. That means you can test yourself before you start a new diet, fitness routine, supplement, or hormone regimen. Then you can test yourself again after a few months to track your progress and make adjustments. 

If your workout regimen has stalled, and you want to figure out what’s going on, do yourself a favor. Order the Private MD Labs Bodybuilder Blood Test right now and get scientific insights that will take you to the next level. 
