published on in gacor

Narcissist Gwyneth Paltrow didnt care about infidelity, did care what Chris ate

goop us weekly

Yesterday I covered the first excerpts from People Magazine’s Gwyneth Paltrow-Chris Martin cover story. People teased the fact that “sources” are now saying that Goop and Chris had an open marriage and were largely separated for the past few years. Well, as you can imagine, Us Weekly also put Goop and Chris on their cover too, and the combination of People and Us Weekly digging around for dirt (or having dirt supplied to them by two competing publicists?) is a gossip goldmine. Some highlights from Us Weekly & People:

*People’s sources keeps saying Chris & Goop were “on and off for many years” and “It caused both of them tremendous pain, and they tried to fix it day after day.” Another source says they were surprised it took so long for Goop and Chris to finally call it quits.

*People Magazine names names. Jeffrey Soffer is one of the names mentioned – he’s the billionaire who is now married to Elle Macpherson, but in 2009, he was single and mingling with Gwyneth in Miami. Another name: Glee producer Brad Falchuk. I’ve heard stuff about Goop being involved with someone behind-the-scenes on Glee, so it’s nice to finally have a name. Apparently, he was married too? And now he’s divorced?

*As for Chris’s alleged (or not so much) infidelities, a source tells People: “If Chris was playing around, Gwyneth didn’t care. She’s never been jealous or territorial. Her philosophy is, ‘we’re both adults. We make our own choices.’”

*Us Weekly says Gwyneth often mocked Chris – a source says: “Gwyneth would snipe and… say things to him like ‘You’re such a moron.’ Chris couldn’t take it anymore.” Apparently, Chris “never fought back” and Gwyneth would “totally make fun of the way he ate and what he ordered when they ate out. It was like living with a bossy schoolteacher or etiquette coach. He just took it.”

*Chris hated that Gwyneth would put their kids on diets: “They butted heads on parenting,” a source claimed to Us Weekly. Taking her children’s diet to the extreme sometimes, Paltrow and Martin disagreed on what they could and couldn’t eat. “He thought they should just be kids and have ice cream every once in a while.”

*Narcissism: “Gwyneth is someone that likes attention. There is a narcissism there.” She flaunted her flirtations too: “She would openly flirt with men in front of Chris.”

*Chris’s groupies: “Chris talked to her about temptations on the road. Gwyneth knew girls threw themselves at him.”

Wow. I might have to take back what I said about Gwyneth’s publicist dishing some of this stuff – it sounds like Chris is taking care of business, painting Gwyneth as a narcissistic drama queen who belittled him constantly and refused to let their children have ice cream. Yes, Dorothy, Chris Martin will be FINE. And while Goop’s extracurriculars are named (in People, for the love of God), where is the mention of Chris’s extracurriculars? Maybe the Americans tabloids are splitting duties with the UK tabloids – the UK gossips are on the hunt for dirt on Alexa Chung while People and Us Weekly will figure out who made Goop’s Bone List.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Us Weekly.
