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Melania Trump Is Spending Millions To Build This On The White House Grounds, Donald Trumps Wife I

Melania Trump has recently announced that she is overseeing the construction of a tennis pavilion on White House grounds, apparently hoping to improve the recreational value of the place and to give people some more options for entertaining themselves during their busy days.

The first lady also noted that she was building the structure as a testament to American craftsmanship and skill.

And while some were quick to criticize her for her actions — mainly because they disagreed with them on a personal level, from what observers could tell — others have been more supportive.

Donald Trump’s wife shared a few photos from the groundbreaking and explained: “I am pleased to announce the groundbreaking of a new tennis pavilion on the White House grounds. This structure will be a testament to American craftsmanship and skill.”

Many were quick to bash Melania.

One person said: “Seems like a “let them eat cake” moment! Do you live in a bubble?”

Another critic claimed: “Meanwhile, her husband is still…
Keeping children are in cages
Lying to the American people
Extorting our allies
Cozying up to the world’s worst dictators
Seeking foreign election meddling
Obstructing Congress.

This voter revealed: “Tennis pavilion, are you kidding? Rich people have no sense of priorities. You’ve already shown us that. Why don’t you use that money to help Puerto Rico, or provide health care to the people in cages? Leisure? I bet the Kurds aren’t finding Syria to be a place of leisure right now.”

Another Democrat replied: “You really don’t have any idea how utterly obnoxious your tweets are while your husband massacres rallies, appeases r enemies, bullies Americans, incites violence, tortures children & destroys democracy, do you? I can’t even imagine what it would be like to be so vapid & stupid.”

I am pleased to announce the ground breaking of a new tennis pavilion on the White House grounds. This structure will be a testament to American craftsmanship and skill.

— Melania Trump 45 Archived (@FLOTUS45) October 8, 2019

However, Melania has seen some very warm responses from some of her followers, with many people noting that she is at least trying to do something good for the current situation in the White House, regardless of what her husband might be up to at the same time.

Many seem to agree that Melania should not refrain from acts of positivity just because her husband is under fire at the moment, but it looks like most people are somewhat split on those opinions.

Exciting to break ground on the new tennis pavilion project at the White House today. Thank you to all who will help in making this legacy piece possible for future first families to gather at and enjoy for years to come. @theNationalMall @NatlParkService

— Melania Trump 45 Archived (@FLOTUS45) October 8, 2019

In any case, it does not look like Melania herself has been too bothered by the negative opinions that have peppered the discussions to some extent, and she has been happy to engage her audience, at least those who have had some nice things to say about her recent activism.


It is no secret that Melania has been trying hard to maintain a positive image in public, and this is likely yet another move motivated by this desire.
