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Jennifer Lopez Workout Routine Diet Plan

We know her as a dancer, actress, host, writer, singer, philanthropist and much more than that, a person who stands apart as a genuinely good human being in Hollywood. Jennifer Lopez amazes us all, every time. She entertains the audience with her charm and swarm of talents. What some of you do not know is that Jennifer is one of those few, who love her body the way it is and instead, focuses on looking good and presentable. So, take a look at Jennifer’s workout and diet plan and be sure to be as confident as her when you are done with it!


  • KEEP THAT HEART PUMPING WITH A MIX – Experts believe that cardio exercises are the best way to do away with unnecessary calories. Jennifer does that by including several exercises like biking, running, boxing and stair master in her routine. Also, doing the same exercise again and again makes your body adapt to it, hence, Jennifer mixes it all up on different days to keep her body wondering what’s next.
  • LOSING WEIGHT IS SO BORING! – Jennifer is one of the few people in the industry, who believe that losing weight beyond a particular limit is a waste of energy. In fact, toning the body is a better option that makes you feel and look good. The actress does it by engaging herself in resistance training about two to three times a week under the supervision of trainers.
Jennifer Lopez running around the Old Town of Gdansk, Poland
  • THE SECRET BEHIND THAT GREAT BODY – Many people remember the dedication Jennifer showed in getting back in shape after giving birth to twins. Jennifer recollects that it was her extensive combination and varieties of squats and lunges that relocated the fat in her body. She believes that there is nothing better than your own body weight to help you lose or shift fat.
  • CONSISTENCY IS THE NAME OF THE GAME – Jennifer believes that just having a fixed goal is not enough to be where you want to be in terms of looking fit. It is something about programming your body and mind to the workouts and letting them know the routine that you are going through. In her opinion, this attitude will make you feel good about your body and in turn you do not have to force yourself to get into the gym.


  • DON’T STOP EATING – Jennifer’s number one rule is not to starve herself, just to lose weight. Starving helps you to lose energy and not fat. She understood this long time back that size zero is an out-dated concept and once anyone gets that into her mind, then the rest of the journey will be just as easy.
  • A RICH 5 TIME DIET – When it comes to nutrition, Jennifer does not like to compromise. Hence, she eats the right things at the right time. From coffee and turkey to grilled chicken and poached salmon fillets to non-fat cottage cheese and prawns-she has it all and all this, in a day.
  • DON’T BE GREEDY – The actress says she is not obsessive about eating but makes sure that she has what she loves. She just keeps herself in check and yet she eats carbs, meat, fast foods and even chocolate chip cookies. Her understanding is that everyone has a pre-programmed genetic structure related foods. Obesity occurs when you eat something not in line with your genes and hence, Jennifer eats all that her Hispanic genes allow her to.
  • PROTEIN AND FLUIDS – Jennifer’s diet primarily consists of consuming lots of proteins through meat and Soya foods. Proteins help in keeping the body the way it is by quickly repairing dying cells and hence slowing down the aging process. Water too, with minerals in it, helps in giving a glow to your face and refreshing and cleansing your body internally.

Loving your body is one of the most important steps towards making it the way you want it to be. Jennifer just follows this simple rule and look at her. We are sure that most of us aspire to be one of the size zero models but Jennifer stands for something truly genuine and extraordinary that makes her worth emulating.
