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Is Mini Jake Paul related to his famous YouTuber namesake?

Contrary to rumors, six-year-old Tydus Talbott, also known as 'Mini Jake Paul' isn't related to his famous YouTuber namesake. His father and mother's names are Travis Talbott and Corey Talbott.

At the young age of six, Tydus is already a YouTube sensation and has made several videos with Jake Paul himself, who is regarded as one of the most popular celebrities on YouTube. Mini Jake Paul helped his namesake amass more followers by collaborating in videos dressed as Paul's miniature doppelganger.

Tydus' Instagram account has over a million followers. But how did it all come about?

By the time Tydus' parents became acquainted with Jake Paul, their son was already a hit on social media and YouTube. At the time, Paul had more than 15 million subscribers and was minting millions of dollars with his on-screen antics. The Talbott family thought it would be a great idea to make a video with Tydus dressed as Jake Paul.

When Jake Paul met his miniature version

In September 2017, a video named "3 Year Old JAKE PAUL!! (RARE FOOTAGE)" was released by the Talbott family wherein Tydus was seen pretending to be a miniature version of the YouTube star. He wore a pink shirt, yellow aviators and sported a hairstyle similar to Paul in the video. He repeated Paul's signature lines in the video.

Tydus was also seen pranking people at a mall just like his famous namesake and he also carried a 'merch gun' similar to the one Paul is seen using in many of his videos. The video turned out to be a sensation and was seen by more than 9 million people.

The viral video soon caught Jake Paul's attention and he convinced Tydus' parents to let him feature in one of his videos. The video is one where Jake Paul meets Mini Jake Paul for the first time.

Check it out below:

Although Jake Paul is often criticized for his peculiar on-screen antics, Tydus' dad Travis claims that Paul is not as brash as his on-screen persona suggests. He also hailed the YouTuber for his work ethic and said there are a lot of things he does for which he should but doesn't get recognition.

"There are so many things that Jake and Team 10 does that doesn't get published, doesn't get recognition. He's a really hard worker, really kind to us, very kind to Tydus."

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