World of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s new mega-dungeon introduced the Imbued Frostweave Slippers. While this isn’t interesting on its own, it does herald the return of a stat that has been gone since the Legion expansion - Spirit! This used to be one of the most important stats for spellcasters, healers in particular, during the early days of WoW. However, the stat disappeared for several years.
The new mega-dungeon features quite a few new keywords, such as Scourgebane, Demonbane, and Timestrike. These are all found on item drops in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s Dawn of the Infinite. In addition, one piece of gear can give you a new form of the Spirit stat back.
Where to find Imbued Frostweave Slippers in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
The Imbued Frostweave Slippers are known to drop from just one encounter in the game. It means you’re going to have to grind Dawn of the Infinite pretty hard if you want a shot at getting Spirit on your cloth-wearing spellcasters.
If you want the Imbued Frostweave Slippers, you’re going to have to farm the Blight of Galakrond encounter. However, it does appear to have a fairly low drop rate, so it could vary greatly in how long it takes you to get this pair of shoes to drop.
Baseline stats
- Type: Cloth
- Slot: Feet
- Armor: 158
- Stats: 253 Intellect, 761 Stamina
- Secondary stats: Crit Strike/Versatility/Spirit or Critical Strike/Versatility
Unfortunately, the new stat is not guaranteed to show up, which could wind up frustrating players who are farming that particular item drop. But what does Spirit do now?
What is the new version of the Spirit Stat in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight?
It’s unlikely that players will see Spirit again in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight after this particular item. For now, however, it’s back if you get the drop in the new mega-dungeon. Originally, it was the mana regeneration stat. So not having enough meant the end-game content was frustrating at best.
According to the Spirit spell that was added to the game in patch 10.1.5, gear with this stat has a chance to return Mana back on ability uses. Instead of Mana Regen, it sounds like you’ll have a chance to get mana back when casting any of your abilities.
The Imbued Frostweave Slippers will be an ideal pickup for any cloth wearer. Whether you're playing a DPS or a Healer, it can be incredibly useful. However, it appears that the baseline item level for it is 379, so that may not be an upgrade for some players.
It’s unknown if this stat is going to appear on other gear in future updates of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, or if this was just a one-time thing to give players some nostalgia alongside a useful ability. However, it is available right now, for those spellcasters who wear cloth in WoW.
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