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How to fix, possible reasons, and more

The Modern Warfare 2 campaign is now out for early access, and those who have pre-ordered the game can enjoy the new narrative ahead of the full title and multiplayer launch on October 28, 2022.

While the Call of Duty shooter is optimized rather well for all major platforms, there are a certain number of bugs and performance errors that a few community members seem to be facing ever so often.

One such issue plaguing MW2 is making the entire in-game screen blur out and not allowing players to enjoy the game as it was meant to be.

This is usually caused when one is booting up the game. The shooter automatically decides to tinker with some of the pre-set settings, making Modern Warfare 2 look incredibly unoptimized for the system.

It is an extremely annoying issue to deal with in the game, as it frequently recurs with no permanent fix for it, at least at the time of writing this article. However, today’s guide will go over some of the workarounds you can try out and deal with the “Blurry Screen” error in Modern Warfare 2 as much as possible.

Fixing the “Blurry Screen” error in Modern Warfare 2

As mentioned, the “Blurry Screen” error in Modern Warfare 2 is usually caused when restarting or booting up the game. This is because the shooter automatically resets the Display Mode and Resolution and keeps it in a setting that makes it look blurry on your system.

To be able to fix the “Blurry Screen” error in the shooter, you will be required to,

  • Head to the in-game setting page as soon as you launch Modern Warfare 2. You must go to the Display section tab and change the mode to Fullscreen. When the blurring effect happens, the mode is often altered to Window or Bordered, making it look unoptimized for your system.
  • After fixing the Display mode, you need to head over to the Resolution tab and then Quality. Based on the monitor you are using, you will need to put the display resolution to 100%, which can be 1080P or 1440P. When booting the game, the resolution might often be scaled down to 50%. Hence you will be required to scale it back up.
  • Alternatively, you can even make your way to the Graphics settings and then to the Details and Textures section, where you might want to switch on the “On Demand Texture Streaming” option. You can further customize that by setting the “Allocated Texture Size” to the highest possible limit or turning off “Enable Download Limits” to try and fix the blurring issue in Modern Warfare 2.
  • After tinkering with the Textures, you can head to the Post Processing Effects tab and turn off “World Motion Blur & Weapon Motion Blur” while setting the Film Grain to 0, which will, by default, be 0.25. This will make the in-game images sharper, adding more details to the environment.

The most annoying thing about the “Blurry Screen” issue in Modern Warfare 2 is that it does not happen all the time. The settings reset at the most random of times, and there honestly is no fix for the issue unless the developers look to patch it out with a hotfix.

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