Aipom is a Normal-type Pokemon that evolves into Ambipom in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
There are several ways to evolve Pokemon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Some require a held item and a trade. Others simply need to reach a certain level and they will change forms.
In the case of Aipom, trainers need to teach it the move Double Hit and then level it up. It doesn't matter what level you are at, but it is important to note that it won't learn the attack until level 32 in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Where to catch Aipom in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
If you want to evolve Aipom into Ambipom, first you'll need to catch one. Aipom can be a tricky Pokemon to come across if you aren't sure where to find one. Thankfully, there are a few places.
Aipom can be caught in the tall grass on Route 213. It has a low encounter rate here, proving to be a very rare creature. If you head to the Grand Underground, you'll find it in the Spacious Cave biome after acquiring Defog.
The final way to catch Aipom is via the Honey Tree method. There are almost two dozen Honey Trees across Sinnoh in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Each has a small chance of attracting an Aipom.
How to evolve Aipom into Ambipom
Now that you have Aipom, evolving it is pretty simple. Battle with it or at least have it in your Pokemon party. It will gain EXP and level up each time the EXP bar is completely filled.
Once Aipom makes it to level 32, you can make room on its moveset for Double Hit. Make sure you do this and when Aipom reaches level 33, it will evolve into its final form, Ambipom.
If you acquire an Aipom in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl after level 32 or you simply don't teach it Double Hit at the time, you can go to the Move Tutor to teach it the attack and level it up from there to evolve.
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