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Dance Moms Recap 9/5/17: Season 7 Episode 20 Stamina, Stamina, Stamina

Dance Moms Recap 9/5/17: Season 7 Episode 20 "Stamina, Stamina, Stamina"

Tonight on Lifetime Dance Mom returns with an all-new Tuesday, September 5, 2017, season 7 episode 20 and we have your Dance Moms recap below. On tonight’s Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 20 “Laurieann Gibson returns and is more determined than ever to win. With two duets and a group, the girls struggle with stamina as well as their new leader’s cutthroat attitude. Laurieann loses her patience with the moms.”

Tonight’s episode will surely be filled with the usual Dance Moms drama. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our Dance Moms recap from 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM ET! While you wait for our recap make sure to head over and check all our Dance Moms recaps, news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s Dance Mom’s recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Ashlee is nervous that they are still losing with Laurieann and there is still 6 weeks until nationals. Laurieann arrives to the studio. She gets the girls in a circle. She thinks they lost due to bad character and stamina. Ashlee asks Laurieann what she plans to do to improve to help them win. Laurieann thinks she has gone above and beyond.

Laurieann goes through the list. Camryn nailed it. Brynn also did well, making it to the top of the list. This week they are going to prepare for Vegas. Nia and Kalani will perform a duet. Kendall and Brynn will also work together on a duet. The rest will perform in a group piece except for the minis. Yolanda goes to interject, but Laurieann shuts her down and tells the mothers to scram.

The mothers sit and talk about Laurieann and the fact that they no longer have Abby around. Ashlee thinks Nia and the others who have been along a lot longer are privileged while Holly disagrees. She thinks they have grown so used to Abby, the arrival of Laurieann has been difficult.

Laurieann pulls Nia from her duet and replaces her with Camryn. Laurieann doesn’t think Nia has the fight or the right mindset for such a routine that requires so much athleticism. Nia is confused and Holly is angry. They both leave the studio.

Dresses show up for the group number. Laurieann makes all of the girls come together to practice. She yells at them because they keep chattering. Seconds later, she scolds them for being sloppy. The mothers all watch in disbelief.

Ashlee and Jill are concerned with Kendall and Brynn’s routine and all of the exercises in the choreography. They interrupt Laurieann to speak to her. She does not take it well. After they speak, the moms take a seat. Laurieann looks over dresses. Ashlee and Jill smirk as Laurieann makes comments. Laurieann gets mad and tells them to watch their back.

Laurieann pulls Nia aside and explains to her why she was pulled from the duet. The situation causes Ashlee and Holly to resume their argument over whose daughter has had to work harder and who is less privileged. Holly gets so angry she leaves again.

The team arrives in Las Vegas. Ashlee feels uncomfortable because she and Holly still aren’t talking. Camryn’s mother Camille tells Laurieann that she forgot her dress. Laurieann loses it. Camille begs her to keep Camryn in the group number after Laurieann tells her to go. Some of the other girls agree. It wasn’t Camryn’s fault. Laurieann gives her a pass this time.

The girls begin rehearsing. They are counting to themselves individually. Their timing is off. Laurieann reprimands them. Jill makes a face when Laurieann tells them that they have already lost right out of the gate because they can’t get it together.

The moms all wait for Laurieann to arrive. They begin fighting. Yolanda is mad about Elliana not dancing. Jill thinks they are ungrateful for the privilege to be on this team. Laurieann shows up and asks what the heck is going on. She tells them she feels like she has two teams, the moms, and the daughters. She tells the moms that they are not stars even thought they think they are.

Brynn and Kendall perform first. Laurieann doesn’t appear overly impressed. Nia is upset she lost her spot in the dance.

Kalani and Camryn are up next. They are descent, but Laurieann isn’t happy. She speaks to them after. She thinks they act greater than they are actually dancing. She reprimands Kendall for pulling her leotard out of her butt. She was also upset about Camryn’s timing issues. She dismisses the girls to talk to the moms. Laurieann points out Camryn’s timing issue to Camille. Kira gets involved. She is mad that the dance was ruined. They all fight. Camille leaves after Kira tells her that her kid probably won’t go far because she makes excuses for her.

The group gets ready to head out on stage. Laurieann gives them a pep talk. They nail it. The results are announced. Brynn and Kendall makes 2nd place while Camryn and Kalani also place first. Laurieann looks thrilled. The group came in 3rd place. Laurieann is angry. She chases after the judge yelling that they have been duped. He runs from her, heading to the airport.

Laurieann talks to the group. She reminds the moms that they need to back off. They are going to ruin their daughter’s chances.

