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3 key details about Tawnee Baird's murder

In October 2014, Tawnee Baird was viciously stabbed to death by her live-in partner Victoria Mendoza. The two were travelling back to their home in Holladay, Utah, when they got into an argument. The fight escalated, leading to the latter stabbing the 21-year-old with a folding pocket knife. Both the victim and the killer were found inside the car not long after.

Victoria told authorities that the fight was sparked over a man. Detectives also found out that she and Tawnee first met at a youth treatment center and dated for about five years before the incident occurred.

ID's American Monster recently revisited Tawnee Baird's stabbing death in an episode titled, I Took Her Somewhere Peaceful. The official synopsis of the episode is as follows:

"Tawnee Baird and Victoria Mendoza fall in love as teenagers despite their differing backgrounds, thanks to their shared love of music and dreams of fame; when passion turns to rage, only one young woman will make it out alive."

The episode aired on the channel this Sunday, July 2, 2023.

Tawnee Baird's murder: One tragic car ride and a violent attack, among other key details about the stabbing death

1) Tawnee suffered more than 40 stab wounds

According to multiple reports, 21-year-old Tawnee Baird and her girlfriend Victoria Mendoza were on their way back home after visiting friends in Ogden, Utah, one night in October 2014 when a violent altercation changed their lives forever. While returning home, the two got into a fight, which culminated in Victoria stabbing Tawnee.

Victoria then called her relative, who arrived at the crime scene and dialled 911. First responders reached the scene and pronounced Tawnee - whose blood-soaked body was found on the passenger seat - dead. An autopsy revealed that she suffered at least 46 stab wounds and to her hands, forearms, face, head, neck, chest and ear.

The killer was found covered in blood, sitting behind the wheel.

2) Tawnee Baird and Victoria Mendoza were in an abusive relationship

Tawnee and Victoria first met in 2010 at a youth treatment center where the former was admitted to a to a behavioral health treatment facility for about three months after being charged with possession of a controlled substance. On the other hand, Victoria had a troubled past and had been to the facility on several occassions. They soon started dating and remained together even after their release.

Tawnee's family claimed that the couple shared an abusive relationship that often involved cheating from Victoria's end because she was jealous and insecure. Regardless, Tawnee continued the relationship. They got into frequent fights and on one such occasion, Victoria punched her, knocking out one of her teeth.

The victim also had other scratches and bruises on her body that indicated abuse.

3) Victoria pleaded not guilty for Tawnee's murder before eventually claiming responsibility

Not long after Tawnee Baird's stabbing death, Victoria Mendoza was arrested on suspicion of murder. Victoria initially told authorities that she and Tawnee were driving back home when they started arguing over a man and the fight escalated and turned physical in the early morning hours of October 18, 2014.

Victoria claimed that she was driving and pulled over at a parking lot at 2484 East Avenue in West Ogden where she started stabbing Tawnee with a four-inch pocket knife that she was carrying at the time. The 22-year-old was charged with one count of first-degree felony murder to which she pleaded not guilty at first, but later changed her plea and was sentenced to 16 years to life in prison.

American Monster on ID further delves into Tawnee Baird's murder and the events leading up to the tragedy.

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